
学生在哪里? 自我维持和自我进化的学习者.

的 upper school offers an immersive college-preparatory curriculum with a wide variety of core courses and electives in pursuit of unique and rigorous graduation requirements. 就像在中学一样, 每隔一天上课,每次85分钟, 与我们的学生在大多数学院和大学的课程安排一致.

在高中, MVS标志性的浸入式学期为期四周, providing students in grades 9-12 with extended opportunities to explore topics of interest outside the boundaries of the normal classroom. In addition to studying in multi-grade groups in Immersion courses such as “Designing for Social Action,海洋生态学,和“向加纳伸出援手”,” upper school students also have the option of designing their own independent study during Immersion Term. 正如上面的课程示例所示, 高中沉浸通常包括重要的校外旅行和现实世界的经历.

我们高中的学生很有活力, 有创意的, 还有形形色色的人,他们对学习充满热情. 通过MVS浸入法, 学生对自己的学习有自主权, 创造更真实的学习体验. 高中的选修课范围很广, 为学生提供学习编程的机会, 版画, 还有同样热情的剧本创作.

在高中, students’ natural curiosity and passion for learning is encouraged through a variety of opportunities for independent study, 原始研究, 和现实世界的实地考察. 所有学生完成白羊座项目, 学校标志性的顶点, 作为毕业要求之一. This in-depth research project requires students to conduct original fieldwork in collaboration with an Outside Expert as well as completing an extensive literature review in pursuit of a final research paper and presentation at the Aries Colloquium. 学生也可以参加学习计划, 围绕学生主导的研究问题组织的一学期的独立研究, 或MVS学生助理教师计划, which allows older students to mentor younger students and be mentored themselves by faculty members as teaching assistants.

遵循MVS浸入式方法的原则, 宝盈bbin官方网站从2017年开始逐步取消Advanced Placement®课程. 而不是让学生接受一门课程,将备考置于真正的教育之上, MVS teachers create dynamic opportunities for real-world learning and academic achievement in a one-of-a-kind school environment. 在高中, advanced and honors courses are designed to replicate the experience and small-group dynamic of a college-level seminar, 课程内容的深度大于广度.




的 upper school 英语 program promotes an understanding of and appreciation for humanity that transcends cultural boundaries. 的 literature-rich and writing intensive curriculum stimulates intellectual curiosity and a greater sense of self.

鼓励学生复习, 与教员单独会谈, 研究作者和内容, 并通过分析和创造性的作业发现自己的声音. Students exercise freedom of thought and expression as they explore diverse and universal human concerns and integrate ideas from literature with daily life. Students discover the pleasure and value of reading and writing as lifelong learning processes and participate in active and lively critical discussions of their own work as 以及他们所读的作品.

2023 - 2024课程:

  • 散文的艺术 
  • 世界文学
  • 美国作家
  • 高级英语话题
  • 语法 & 写作
  • 音乐和歌词
  • 南亚作家
  • 技术和专业写作
  • 女性作家
  • 莎士比亚
  • 电影简介
  • 黑人文学之声
  • 阅读诗歌
  • 人类,机器,还有 科技:科幻小说 文学


的浸 方法

迈阿密山谷学校的学术课程由学校的标志性教学法指导, MVS浸入法. 浸入式教学法是基于我们共同的信念,即学习源于直接的经验, 是什么导致了每个学生的投入和激情的发现. 在MVS, 教师是向导和合作者,而不是讲师, 对概念的深刻理解比死记硬背更有宝盈bbin.

Everything we do at 的 宝盈bbin官方网站 is carefully sculpted to create a community of student and adult learners who are supported in pursuit of their individual passions. Our faculty and staff collaborate with students to help them pursue the information they are curious about.


大学 咨询


在迈阿密山谷学校, our unique blend of experiential education and challenging core academics makes our students ready for the challenges of college and beyond. 我们的每一位毕业生都为竞争激烈的四年制大学做好了准备. 然而,MVS大学录取程序并不是放之四海而皆准的. Our 大学咨询主任 works with every senior to find an institution that is the best place for them. 在MVS,大学录取过程中的个性化关注是学生成功的组成部分.




白羊座项目是迈阿密谷学院的标志性高级顶点研究经验, 哪个是高年级所有学生都要完成的. Students work with a faculty mentor and an Outside Expert to perform 原始研究 and fieldwork on a topic of their choice, then complete an extensive literature review and research paper on their topic while also showcasing their research at the annual Aries Colloquium. 白羊座项目不仅让MVS的学生在他们选择的领域加深他们的专业知识, 但也灌输了在大学及以后取得成功所必需的研究技能和自我宣传. 通过这种方式,白羊座的经历体现了MVS的浸入式教育方法.


在这里,毕业生 成为...

上学校 教师 & 工作人员

MVS给了我真正的朋友和一个支持我追求音乐激情的社区的意义. 在MVS培养我的激情,帮助我选择了我的大学,塑造了我的未来.


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我们努力使我们的招生过程愉快和可实现的. 现在申请,开始通过教育建立一个更好的社区的旅程.
